Renters Insurance in and around Ville Platte
Looking for renters insurance in Ville Platte?
Renting a home? Insure what you own.

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Home Is Where Your Heart Is
Home is home even if you are leasing it. And whether it's an apartment or a house, protection for your personal belongings is a wise idea, especially if you own items that would be difficult to fix or replace.
Looking for renters insurance in Ville Platte?
Renting a home? Insure what you own.

Agent Eric Gil, At Your Service
It's likely that your landlord's insurance only covers the structure of the space or townhome you're renting. So, if you want to protect your valuables - such as a couch, a set of cutlery or a video game system - renters insurance is what you're looking for. State Farm agent Eric Gil has a true desire to help you evaluate your risks and insure your precious valuables.
Renters of Ville Platte, call or email Eric Gil's office to identify your individual options and how you can save with State Farm renters insurance.
Have More Questions About Renters Insurance?
Call Eric C at (337) 363-7737 or visit our FAQ page.
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